Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acorn and other Liberal nonsense

If the Republicans let any bill pass giving ACORN and it's like maybe billions of dollars, Conservatives will never win another national election, these people stole Wisconsin in 2004 and will defraud us of any fair election for decades. Bush should veto it if it passes with these provisions and let wall street collapse. 10 years of depression is better than 300 years of socialism. He'll be hated for ever anyway. At least he would be a hero to Conservatives after a time.

Republicans have an airtight case this is a democratic socialist problem. After this deal is settled they should pound that home to the American public. MY GOD A SOCIALIST USA, I CAN BARELY BREATH.

I pray for Bush, no doubt the job has overwhelmed him. I don't know if anyone will be able to perform in this GOTCHA environment.

Hopefully, after 2 years of Barack we wiill have had enough and elect a republican congress to keep them in check. There will be so many handouts that everyone will be celebrating right up to the time we start having 30% a year inflation.

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